Press Credentials ??? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I am a videographer and am wondering how to gain access as a freelancer to events in my area to shoot footage for stock images etc. Is this possible not being associated with a media outlet. I know still photogrpahers do a lot of more of this type of thing than videographers. Any suggestions form expereiced pros? Thanks.
-- todd (, February 14, 2004
Todd, It really depends on the type of things you plan on shooting as to "how" to the credentials. If you want to shoot pro sports, be preared to pay for your credentials. If it's high school sports, contact the athletic director, they may want copies though....nothing is free in th e long run. I myself shoot a lot of motorsports and high school sports (still photos) but if I need access I can normally call a newspaper sports editor who helps me out, but he always gets something to run if he needs it. At t he local schools I have no problem, and most races are not a problem either, although one unnamed track is a royal pain.Your best bet, get "in" with a newspaper, take a still camera shoot some stills and then videotape.
-- John Stark (, February 15, 2004.