Which decoder for Walthers GP15

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

Just bought 3 Waltheers Trainline GP15s. Which decoder should I purchase in order to make the locos DCC??

-- Robert G Mangrum (rmangrum@hputx.edu), February 14, 2004



If no one on the forum has an answer, call one of the mail order DCC stores like Loys Toys or Tonys Train Exchange. They sell a lot of decoders. If they don't know the answer, they will work with you to find a decoder that fits. Look at it this way, you will have to make a call to them anyway to buy a decoder.

-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), February 14, 2004.

I converted two Trainline GP9-M units recently and used TCS T-1 decoders. The GP-15 should be close to the same as far as room under the hood. Was not a hard wire up at all. Imagine that any wired decoder will do the job.

-- Dan Ferrick (dtferrick@msn.com), February 15, 2004.

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