Aeon Flux Cel up on Ebay started at $ : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
Looking for an Aeon Flux animation cel, go to ebay and do a search. I've started the bid at $10. Enjoy and good luck. It's from Tide.
-- tom (, February 11, 2004
The other day on Ebay a gorgeous drawing of Aeon Flux, signed by Peter Chung, was sold for about $114.00. Was it bought by anyone here? I'd love to have bought it but right now, nomo.
-- Barb e. (, April 02, 2004.
how ingenius, great way to advertize. Wish i had cash or id bid on it. My aeon statue hasnt shown up yet : (
-- Grant Grismore (, February 12, 2004.
Hey Griz, I'm borrowing a Digi-cam this weekend to get shots of the blood splattered Aeon.
-- ashley fox (, February 12, 2004.
Im growing very impatient!
-- Grant Grismore (, February 12, 2004.