Aeon Flux Sound Track : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
Is there an Aeon Flux sound track CD? Where to purchase?
-- Marilyn Upchurch Bird (, February 10, 2004
There is one, I'm blanking on the title, but I bought two copies because the first one gota ll scratched up. it's not 'Official' but it is all the Aeon music. I'll post the title when I get home. Still gotta take digital pix of my bloodspatterd Aeon statue too.
-- ashley fox (, February 10, 2004.
Eye Spy, I think ....
-- The Vok (, February 10, 2004.
They are still available from the manufacturer. Just go to http:// or call them at 213-463-0146, should be priced at $15.99 or $16.99 + ship, its worth it if you are a diehard Aeon Fan, which likely you are if you are here... :)
-- tom (, February 10, 2004.