Aeon Flux on MTV2 : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Wanted to share this with the devoted followers of Aeon Flux: MTV2 is airing Aeon Flux on Saturday (Feb. 7) at midnight, 3pm, and 11pm.

(No, you don't know me. Yes, I lurk :-P)

-- Leah Morris (, February 06, 2004



-- Barb e (, February 06, 2004.

'Twas brilliant, and the slithy toads did gyrate and gamble in the rave. All momsies were in the burroughs and MTV's wrath outgave.

Chung rocks!!!Thanks to MTV2. Very insightful, very.

-- Barb e (, February 08, 2004.

Almost forgot: those are Central times.

-- Leah Morris (, February 06, 2004.

It's almost worth tuning in, just to see it on real tv again.

-- ashley fox (, February 06, 2004.

The first two episodes were U or D and Isthmus Crypticus (sp?), so I think they're showing them in order. I'm glad this happened cuz now I get a bunch of episodes I don't have on tape without having to re- rent the first video or buy the third one (which is so rare it's on Ebay for like a hundred bucks!!!).

-- Ashly Kehl (, February 07, 2004.

I feel like such a shit!

I have all these on tape and never thought about offering you guys dubs.

But I watch them so much, they may be a bit degraded. Let me know. I'll start making them next week!

-- ashley fox (, February 07, 2004.

MTV2???!! damn them all... I don't get mtv2, why can't they show them on regular mtv, blast! arrrrggg

-- Max W. (, February 07, 2004.

Because regular MTV likes to spank it's mamma on Saturdays, and that means they can't pay attention to their duties as the # 1 source of information for 12 - 25-year-old cretins, who wouldn't watch the show anyways cuz it makes their heads hurt.

-- Ashly Kehl (, February 07, 2004.

damn people this is good new's. Get off your ungratefull ass and go watch! All of you! You should be ashamed of yourself's. If you dont have cable, or if you dont get MTV2 then go do something about it like have your neighbor tape it.

-- Grant Grismore (, February 08, 2004.

Hopefully some kind soul with a Tivo will be able to upload the episodes in nearly full quality. *drool*

my old tapes are a little worn down, now.


-- skye (, February 09, 2004.

damn i saw it on friday

-- rene (, May 30, 2004.

if someone can get me these in good quality i will by them i want it so bad my old ones are getting wore out like everyone else. By the way does anyone know if peter ever did anything else besides this Alexander and the new Chronicles of riddick which will probably be better than the real movie lol. i just want more of peter he is just so original i can't help but want more.

-- Ian Connin (, May 30, 2004.

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