Never bee to a rave. Wanna see what all the fuss it about : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

i've never been to a rave but i'd like to go to one and see whats up. I live in raleigh and i've searching around for info about "local" parties but i can't find dick. Do raves even exsist in raleigh/NC. Where do i begin? As far as electronic music goes i'm pretty into pys-trance: shpongle, juno reactor, logic bomb...etc. etc. So if anyone can't point me towards some raves with that sort of feel i'd appreciate it. gracias.

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2004


check out and both of those will give you a hint on what's coming up and what type of music will be played. Also, there is a show at the Office coming up this friday (13th) that site's good for directions but not for upcoming events, for that I look to

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2004

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