How do you make a HOMEMADE VCDS? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a SMC DVD Player, i wanna make a vcd wich will play on it. But the problem is that i don't know which program and format i should use to burn on a cd-r.

there are some many formats e.g. mpeg, mpeg2, avi and so on. and programs like Nero Burner, Clone CD and more. But which one should i use and also my friends tell me you need a converter or encoder, so if any of you know what to and how to make a vcd can you please tell or send to Thanx alot (for the future referenc)

-- Alek (, February 02, 2004

Answers has guides and is a very good place to start.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 03, 2004.

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