1919 brotherhood of railway clerks charter member certificate or document

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have been doing research on a old framed document or certificate issued June 19,1919. It has BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY CLERKS affilated with american federation of labor CHARTER. Then states "be it known that the grand lodge of the brotherhood of railway clerks situated in the city of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton, and state of Ohio, by the virtue of the right and power vested by the Constitution and Laws of the Brotherhood, does hereby grant this Charter and give full consent, approbation and authority to " with 16 names including 1 female member." as charter members, with full power to constitute and hold regular sobordinate Lodge and said Brotherhood of Railway Clerks in the city of Herkimer county of Herkimer state province or republic of New York under the name and title of Mowhawk Valley Lodge NO 1190. Then states about the charters dues. Then In witness whereof by the powers delegated to us in the laws of the said Brotherhood we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of the Grand Lodge this nineteenth day of June A.D. 1919. On the left side is the seal with signature of the Grand secretary Treasurer. Brotherhood of the railroad logo with signature of the Grand President. Well to make a long question short, should I contact some historical society of this organization or related orginazation? I think and I could be wrong that someone would like this and it has some historical info. Let me know what you think, thanks for taking the time to read this. It is also in its original frame with glass over it. Best Regards Cherylee White

-- cherylee white (erw1961@sbcglobal.com), January 27, 2004


Cherylee: My father was a member of the BRC for much of his 40+ year career with the Southern Freight Tarriff Bureau in downtown Atlanta. He is retired now 20 yrs & still resides in that city. His 'Bureau' was one of a number around the country that for many years (in conjunction with the ICC) tabulated and published RR (& I believe steamship) freight rates & tarriffs. In 1980, the 'Staggers Act' deregulated the rail, ship-barge/ and airline industries...spelling the end of the old railroad tarriff bureau system.(& pretty much the need for these 'clerks'.) (RRs now were able to formulate & set freight rates for the most part themselves.) The bureaus began to dwindle & merge & are all but gone now. I believe the BOC was folded into another union...possibly the United Transportation Union. I can still remember the monthly BOC membership magazines coming to our house when I was a boy in the 1960s. I'm not sure who you might contact about your document...perhaps someone with the United Transportation Union home office might have an interest.

-- Greg Hodges (lynnhodges@earthlink.com), January 27, 2004.

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