How can we create a VCD at high picture quality? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am willing to know about creatin a VCD with highest quality as possible. Now i am using a TMPGEnc 2.5 Encoder. From that i could find that the bitrate can be used slighty more CBR value(1246kbps) from the standard CBR of 1150kbps. But there is no high improvement in the quality. For a PAL VCD, 352x288, 25fps,1246kbps can get only this much quality? Any possibility to improve quality any way, to play back in a VCD/DVD player? Suggections invited.

-- Ajesh NR (, January 26, 2004


Higher bit rates such as 1500 or higher will improve the quality by quite a bit. However, VCD demands a constant video bit rate of 1150, so using a higher bit rate does violate the standards. Most DVD players will play these discs, but some may not. TMPGenc has an option under Setting->Advanced called Noise Reduction. If you double click on it, set Still Picture to 100, Range to 4, and Time Axis to 100. I will warn you that it may take 2 or 3 days to encode your video if you use this option at these settings, but people who have done this swear that it really improves the quality. Unfortunately, it makes TMPGenc take a VERY long time to encode your video :-(

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 26, 2004.

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