Play Like a : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
January 20, 2004Guys,
I have a bunch of movies (avi's, mpg's, mpeg's, wmv's, and some
mov's) that I want to burn to CD's AND keep on my Hard Drive, to play
from there.
BUT, I want to be able to play them like they were a tape in a
VCR, with fast forwarding, fast rewind, Yada Yada Yada.
What do I have to do?
-- Ben Thomas (, January 20, 2004
Any software DVD player such as PowerDVD XP or WinDVD should be able to play your videos with the features you want. With regards to burning them, it depends on what your goal is. If you want to play them on a standalone DVD player, you will have to convert them to a format the DVD player supports such as VCD, SVCD or DVD. If you just want to archive the videos to CD-R, you can burn them as they are as data CD-Rs. has some guides on converting video between formats should that be something you want to do.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 21, 2004.