programs/ upgrades/ecu information for eprom chips wanted : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I down loaded three programs last year one for a blue flame exhaust. I dyno tested my MV as it was running rich and was planing to burning a few eproms with the downloaded programs but realised the were saved as a web page format that cannot be used. I cannot seem to find the original message on this site where I downloaded them. If anyone has any programs or knows someone who has please get in touch. Cheers Bret

-- Bret Martin (, January 19, 2004


try either, someone on there might have them, or the Yahoo F4 group, a guy on there called Steve has some on his website mate.


-- phil (, January 20, 2004.

you may of got them from

-- Matt Thompson (, January 20, 2004.

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