Electric scooters and carrying children

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Disabled Parents Network : One Thread

DPPi have had a few enquiries recently about carrying a child on an electric scooter, particularly toddlers. We'd welcome any ideas and suggestions from disabled parents. Please reply by email or call our freephone tel 0800 018 4730. Thank you. Coral Jepson

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2004


i used to have a mobiltiy scooter and had my toddler on my knee with her walking reins on her and the long bit that you hold if you were walking with them you put it round the seat you are sat on and then clip back on the other side of the child it works as they cant move forward so its like a saftey belt round them really hope this helps

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2004

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