Stockbridge Georgia Train wreck history : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I was wanting to know about a trian wreck that happened 50 years ago in Stockbridge Georgia. I think the railroad was called Southern Railway . Please if you have any information on this please let me know. THANK YOU!

-- Richard Joshua Cardell (, January 19, 2004


You could also try posting this question on the Southern Railway Q&A Forum. Larry or one of the other fine folke there may know something. The URL for SR Q&A is:

Ron. Wright

-- Ron. Wright (, January 19, 2004.

I found info about a Southern Rwy. wreck that happenend August 17, 1926 in Stockbridge, but that's the only one I could find. One employee was killed and five more employees injured. Be glad to supply you the full info if you want.

-- Dale E. Burns (, January 19, 2004.

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