CofG Dothan Operations : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am interested in modeling the Dothan, AL area during the late 1940's - early 1950's. Does anyone have a source that shows the track layouts for Dothan during this era, along with information of the stations and trains? I know this is a CofG board, but if anyone has additional info on the Bay Line's facilities I'm trying to locate them as well.

-- Kevin Worcester (, January 14, 2004


Join my ALrails Yahoo! Group (Subcription Address Below) and post the same question. We have several knowledgable people in and around the Dothan area that should be able to help you out as well as this _very_ fine group of people! You came to the right place!

Dale E. Burns Webmaster, Dale's Alabama Rail Pic's Yahoo! IM ID: Stagmie Owner/Moderator, Alabama Railroads Yahoo! Group (ALrails) Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: NS CofGa Alabama Division P Line MP362.2

-- Dale E. Burns (, January 14, 2004.

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