duration - converting avi to mpeg-1greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
System:Processor: Celeron 1.1 Memory: 512 MB OS: Window ME HD: 20 Gig S\Ware: Adobe Premiere 6.0
What is the normal time to export a 15 minutes edited movie in Premiere to mpeg-1?
My computer says it 7 hours !
-- searru jimmy (searru@netscape.net), December 19, 2003
I have never used Permiere, but that seems long to me. TMPGenc (http://www.tmpgenc.net) could probably do it in 30 minutes. I suggest you either try to encode with TMPGenc, which does a very nice job of MPEG-1 encoding, or just let the Premiere job run at night while you are sleeping.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 19, 2003.
I've tried tmpgenc...it doesn't work for AVI files...for some weird reason it only converts the audio...
-- lalanthier (bargaindingo@hotmail.com), December 20, 2003.
use Mainconcept MPEG Encoder it is much quicker then TMPGEnc this normally takes 5hrs to convert 500mb avi. it takes an hour with Mainconcept Encoder www.mainconcept.com
-- LK (lesley.kamara@ntlworld.com), January 02, 2004.
Try to use Premiere 6.5. From that u can export directly as MPEG 1 VCD/ MPEG2 DVD with Adobe MPEG encoder from the time line itself (entire project or work area)as max quality. It will tale only 20-25 minutes for a 15 minute avi/ tmelime to encode. Or no premiere 6.5 option, use TMPGEnc encoder to encode the exported avi. It will take only the same time as adobe.
-- Ajesh NR (ajeshnr@rediffmail.com), January 26, 2004.