Messed up codecs : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I really need help with a problem that exists in all my video players( WMP,Real, Ultra). The problem is really really complicated, (as least to the novice in me).

It all started when I tried to install divx 5 codecs in my system. The installation stalled halfway and hanged my computer. After I restarted my computer all my players hang(together with my computer) whenever I try to play a video file. Since then I have discovered that the installation did not complete probably due to the Win/CIH virus(which affects .exe files)that I have been infected with. I have since removed the virus.

But just as I thought that I could fix the problem by a full installation of the divx codecs, I discovered that divx required a 8 mb video card, while mine is just 4mb. So it could be the real reason why my video players hang. I have tried to delete everything thing that is remotely related to divx in my system (there is no uninstall function for me to use as the installation did not complete).

Things have been improving with the steps that I have taken, from the computer hanging whenever I play a file, to a black screen that does not play, to a playing with audio but no video and to the present state:

The video pauses for 1-2 secs frequently while the audio continues playing, resulting in audio being too fast to video and out of sync.

I really hope there are people well- versed in this area who could help me out.

Other information:

1: Previously, prior to my dabbling with divx, I have been using FFdshow with windows media player 9 and almost everything could work out fine.

2: Since divx, to try and rectify the probelm I haved tried to install klite codec, nimo codec, windows media player 7.1/ classic with WMP 9 codecs, and all the drivers that I think is related to video performance at my manufacturer's website. Since then I have removed most of them as they do not work. At the end and presently, what I am using is Klite codecs, ffdshow alpha and windows media player classic.


How do I solve the problem of my audio being faster than my video and the pausing of video frequently for 1-2 secs? This might be the result of incomplete installation of divx 5. I am currently using a combination of klite 2.20 full codecs, ffdshow alpha and windows media player classic, which has the best result I can get.

I really appreciate any input, and I would like to say that this might or might not be the correct forum to post a question of this nature but I really hope that experts out there could help with this really complicated matter. Thank you very much.


-- venetteyeo (, December 16, 2003


This is really the wrong forum for such a question. You might have better luck at forums at the following places:

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 16, 2003.

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