Re-route Information : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Is there any publication that would show the specific re-routing of the C of GA tracks Alabama Division P line between Irondale, AL and Columbus, GA? I understand that the re-routes were done in the 1920's. I'm looking for dates, lengths, photos, etc. of the re-routes.

Dale E. Burns Webmaster, Dale's Alabama Rail Pic's

Owner/Moderator, Alabama Railroads (ALrails) Yahoo! Group

-- Dale E. Burns (, December 01, 2003


Some years ago I looked at the photos Allen mentioned, and as I recall they provided very thorough documentation of the line revision work.

-- Larry Goolsby (, December 01, 2003.


There is some information in THE RIGHT WAY magazines from that era, including a few photographs.

However, the best source of information on the re-routing of the Birmingham District trackage would be the CofGa Engineering Department files at the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah.

File boxes 186-190 in collection 1362AN-60 (Engineering Department Subject Files 1840-1962)cover "Birmingham District Grade Revision." Although I haven't looked at those specific files, the Engineering Department files usually include things such as daily reports of work done and progress made, drawings and specifications for new trackage alignments and bridges, and financial reports.

Collection 1362AN-160 is a collection of photographs from the Engineering Department. Although they aren't specifically identified in the index as having been taken during the grade revisions, there are a good number (maybe 25-30) that show various locations on the Birmingham District (i.e. Birmingham District, 2 miles west of Woodlawn Junction looking west).

The original linen drawings of the valuation maps for the entire CofGa Railway are also at Georgia Historical Society. These maps show the precise alignment and location of all trackage and are indexed by mile post.

Allen Tuten President Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society, Inc.

-- Allen Tuten (, December 01, 2003.

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