video now : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hi i know this does not have to do with vcd but i have a question about a kids video player called video now. is there away you could author a disc to be played in this player , has anybody tried this or do you ave any info on it thanks in advance

-- cb (, November 28, 2003


check the format of the disc which player already plays and then burn the disc in that format

like normal vcd has on iso 9660 track and then the data tracks

-- kunal (, January 14, 2004.

Doubt it, they have their own proprietary format. Even that odd disk size is meant to keep them exclusive. (between regular size and mini disk size) I'm searching the Internet for a codec hack to put video on a mini disk, but I'm just starting my search, so I have no answers yet.

-- Brian (, January 14, 2005.

People have managed to get these devices to play homemade videos, but with 80x80 4 bit greyscale resolution, it's a poor choice for doing much, considering the mini oddball CDs they use are somewhat proprietary - They aren't the standard mini-CDs you see in stores. Had they made it standard mini-CD with an authoring package, these could have been an excellent gadget. Of course, they would want a fortune for the author software, just 'cause.

Check: for some info on the device. Also check:

With the cost of portable color DVD players falling below US$120 and a DVD/VCD all-region codeable player costing around US$160 with battery and cables, it's not really worth the time anymore. Too bad for Hasbro. VideoNow could have been a neat toy. The danger of being proprietary, I guess. Anyone remember those little one-track tape players from the late 80s?

-- Bryan (, January 17, 2005.

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