Dragon Ball, PLS help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

HI, can someone pls tell me where i can downlaod all the dragon ball and dragonball gt eps. Thanx

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2003


The only place your going to be able to get those would prabably be Kazaa.. Sorry man your a few years to late

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003

GT's everywhere. Just follow some affiliates from the bigger DBZ fan sites.

As for DB, DBZ Hevan has most of them(not sure about URL, and site might be down right now, so just search on Google). Have to have Netpumper/Anti-leech stuff, but a few extra popups won't hurt you.

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003

I was able to find all the DBZ episodes by going to many different sites a few years ago. However, now I can't find any normal Dragonball episodes. Could someone please tell me some that have working direct downloads. I was able to do that with DBZ during Buu Saga when it was already very licensed, so there is no reason why Dragonball wouldn't be available for direct download.

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003

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