bittorent , emule, kazaa? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

just a question what of those programs ( bittorent, emule, kazaa, shareaza) do u think is better? What the advantages and disadvantages of each one?

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003


Bittorrent is good because it forces everyone who uses it to share. As long as a website has enough torrents to attract a big population failing to have a seed sending files to you is not a problem. The downside is bittorrent is open source, and clients out there already have functions that lets you see the ip address of anyone else who's using the torrent with you, so getting files that already have a commerical license is hard, and even then, organizations that wants to protect their own interest and log on to one of the torrent and track you down, provided they have the ability to sue.

Kazaa, or other programs that uses fast-track network to let people share files, is the most popular, therefore it will have the most people sharing files. Unfortunately searching for files are so simple the ratio of file grabbers to file sharers is huge, therefore you may have to wait in line. The only good thing I can say about kazaa is grabbing mp3's are very easy there since those files are very small, but now that the RIAA is suing people who's using klite, music that doesn't originate in America is the only thing kazaa is good for now.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

hve u heard of shareaza? is that good? ... i hear i has the edonkey and bittoren systems.... where can i find an easy tutorial about bittorent?

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2003

I have never heard of shareza, but my brother uses emule. And he tells me that emule is like a network of bittorrents, you use the search function to see the files you want to get, and when you start the download it is nearly the same as starting up a torrent(you d/l while you upload at the same time), I'm not 100% certain of the system because my brother has little experience with p2p progs. It's also best if you don't use emule with a router because it is hard for emule to ID you when you do use a router or proxy servers.

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2003

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