Dazzle EmMe USB Drivergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have a Dazzle DM-5000 which is no longer supported. I primarily capture stills from my digital camcorder. Prior to the acquistion of Dazzle by Penicle. Dazzle had recommended that I use the EmMe USB driver for this product with WIN XP. I did and it worked great with second party sofware. I lost the driver during a new computer build. I can not get any help from Dazzle or Penicle on this issue. Just hoping someone has the driver or knows where I can get it.
-- Charlie Moore (csmoore@gwi.net), November 18, 2003
I have the driver and will send it to you.
-- Joel Stansbury (jstans3455@aol.com), January 12, 2004.
I also need this driver, i need a driver that will make the DM-5000 compatible with XP
-- Norm Wallow (reyrey3324@yahoo.com), May 28, 2004.
You can get it here. http://list.driverguide.com/list/company291/index.htmlwhen the site asks for a username and password, use UN:driver1 PW:all they have one for everybody
-- Larry Woodroof (tnrdgrnr@tnrdgrnr.com), June 09, 2004.
I also need a driver for the Dazzle DM-5000 for the Mac OSX10.3. Can any body help?
-- Paul Whitehead (paul@cre8ivedesigns.com), February 19, 2005.