on a game and a show

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

HEY!!! I NEED SOME HELP OR I'M FIRED!!! This might sound weired, but my boss(can't tell you his name)asked me to answer some questions to pass my third test. If I don't pass, I might get fired.O.K,:Iknow that kingdom Hearts 2 is not out yet, but you should have seen the previews and I ask, where did Sora dissapered to?Why are there so many heartless coming out?There are two people searching for Sora and each other and themselfs, who are they?What do Sora look like?And...Who cuter in the game(girls only)

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003


Or you'll be fired? Lol that is a funny one. I seriously hope that you were actually kidding. Because if you aren't, then you are more disturbed than the boss you just made up.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

Thats some weird boss.. sorry cant help u out except to tell u get a new boss.


-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

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