convert stream video file(.asf file ) to ordinary mpeg file : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want an .asf file to convert it to mpeg layer, but still maintain the file size as it is the .asf file is about 200 MB but making an iso of it converts the Nero software to about 1.8 GB (how come this much compression ratio) Now please tell me how can I compress a video file to too smaller a size and how to maintain the size and make it MPEG.! is the question OK with You please send me email about this and thanks ><

-- nithin (, November 14, 2003


You can't really do what you suggest. ASF and MPEG are completely different formats. The only way to shrink the size of a MPEG file is to lower the bit rate. If you converted a 200 MB ASF file to a 200 MB MPEG file, the final MPEG file would probably be unwatchable due to the low bit rate. has guides on converting video between formats which might help you.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), November 14, 2003.

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