queen of the damnedgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello Peoples.Thi is sorta off topic but I'll get to he topic about vcd's. i just bought a older laptop, toshiba tecra 520 cdt. i ma about to buy a margi dvd ppcmia decoder with dongle. Any one have one of these things. i was told that playing a vcd on a 166 mhz using this type of card works out perfectly ??
Now the question. anyone wanna sell me their vcd of queen Of the damned. I am having a problem find it as well as superstar and beaches..any help is appreaciated.
-- michael (michael_oshman@peoplepc.com), November 08, 2003
ill sell you mine,, its on 2 discs... paypal me 10 dollars...
-- Jason Scott Yeldell (jyeldell@prdus.jnj.com), January 07, 2004.