which of these animes are good?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

can you tell me your opinion about these animes, i dont know which one is good.

Gensou maden saiyuki flame of recca full metal alchemist ranma 1/2

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2003


Ranma 1/2 was okay until the beginning of season 4. The jokes rumiko takahashi did for the episodes post season 3 has become repetitive as you will see when you get there. But you can still enjoy season 1-3 if you're really interested in martial arts comedy and crossdressing anime characters do not disturb you.
full metal alchemist is only up to 5 eps right now, so far it looks promising. I'm tired of animes that involve some super spells to save the day.
I'm still contemplating whether I should get flames of recca or not, the story sounded extremely cliché yet interesting at the same time. Go to http://www.animenfo.com/ to search for the other animes you have mentioned.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2003

flame of recca is almost the same as Yuyuhakuso. its main theme is fighting, getting stronger, join tournament, fight evils. thats about it. the manga is much more enjoyable than the anime itself. and the manga last longer, the anime stops after the tourney.

ranma is very interesting but only up to season 3. i agree with the guy above. starting at season 4, the quality is getting worse and worse.

full metal alchemist, I only watch till episode 5. so far so good

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2003

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