dancing lines in my vcdgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, I got a problem which I'm unable to solve until now.I did a project in After Effects. Then edited & output to uncompressed AVI using Premiere. After that I converted the AVI to VCD using Nero 6.
But when I viewed it on my dvd player, there are lots of dancing lines on the edge of my text and some pictures. This only happen to black text & high contrast scenes.
The original AVI doesn't exhibit this problem. Its only after I burn to CD & play it on my player, it appears.
Any solution to this problem?
Thanks, Hen
-- Henry (chien_ong@hotmail.com), November 06, 2003
Nero's video converter is considered to be poor. Try using TMPGenc instead (http://www.tmpgenc.net).
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), November 10, 2003.