Kill Bill animation looks like : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
saw Kill Bill, there's a portion of anime in the movie, more akin to Chung style than most anime, the expressions of the faces and the directing, i thought it might be Chung, was almost certain, but the credits said otherwise.
-- Stonce Anomi (, November 04, 2003
interesting...makes me want to see it even more....maybe after matrix revolutions
-- doug (, November 04, 2003.
Who did that stuff? What else have they done?I found it similar to the animation in "Kids Story".
-- Sam (, November 04, 2003.
It's from Takeshi Koike who did the the World Record sequence on the Animatrix. His stuff is discussed a little more in detail in this thread. I highly recommend the Party 7 sequence he directed (Peter worked on the dance part) available at Catsuka's site (which seems to be down). I'm still looking for Trava Fist Planet (Don't have a region 2 DVD player). Anyone?
-- scottai (, November 05, 2003.
Whoa, I might have guessed - Way to go! I saw his "Party 7" sequence - love the dance scene. Clearly, Takeshi Koike is awesome!!!
-- Sam (, November 06, 2003.
I seem to recall that the same studio that animated 'World Record' for the Animatrix project also handled 'Kid's Story' ... but I could be wrong.
-- The Vok (, November 14, 2003.
Didn't he have something to do with 'Blood - The last vampire"?
-- AlexForce (, January 06, 2004.
Yes they were the studio responsible for Blood.
-- Erik Burton (, February 04, 2004.
i prefer hientai
-- hp fruity (, March 11, 2004.