Fushigi Yuugi

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Howdy! I am looking for the anime, Fushigi Yuugi, by Yuu Watase in Singapore. Unfortunately, I m very fussy and want it in Japanese Dialouge and English Subtitles. Therefore, it is very hard to find in a country like Singapore where Japanese is not a very common language. If anyone has any useful infomaton, pls contact me at anc_fy@hotmail.com. Thankew.

-- Jane Lim (anc_fy@hotmail.com), November 04, 2003


I know where 2 find it as it is sold in plaza singapura.Store name Blue Max & could find jap version & eng subtitles.They are selling the 1st 2 volumes tv series(OVA 1) & OVA 2.I am still looking for the OVA 3 but still could get any info.Sorry..!The 1st 2 volumes cost $33.90(each) & the OVA 2 $22.90.The 1st vol consist of 13 discs & 2nd vol consist of 12 discs.The 2nd OVA consist of only 5 discs.If u have any info of the 3rd OVA pls let me know.Thank U 4 your cooperation.

-- Samantha Ng Wan Ting (Samfear_girl@hotmail.com), November 22, 2003.

do any 1 know where can i find Fushigi Yuugi audio cd in singapore?

-- kelvin (holywing1987@yahoo.com), February 08, 2004.

Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at jefcic@yahoo.com

-- Melvin (jefcic@yahoo.com), March 09, 2004.

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