Rod's Dream Rational : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

Here is a long write up about how I explain dreams. I am sure that some of you would disagree or agree, but I think we are kind of curios about this kind of stuff.

Why do we have dreams?

It was once suggested that when we sleep, our brains begin a process of organizing all of the information that we have experienced throughout the day. This is sort of like a computer rebuilding its desktop. If this is the case, then it is of wonder what data is being processed.

The brain can only process information that is already in the brain--duh. But, how are all of these bits of information assembled? Why would they be pieced in the way they are? Are dreams a subroutine of those processes? What are dreams all about? Why do we remember some dreams while others seem ghost-like?

I can only guess as to the answers of dream or cerebral organizing. I have observed several modalities which seem to trigger dream activity. We may have had episodes such as these. Our unresolved dilemas are dominating our thought patterns. Our physical needs or our emotional stresses may have a great motivating factor for resolution. Or, our experiences and thoughts are sequencially or simultaneously being processed into nice and neat stacks of memory , which we will call upon further down the road of our consciousness.

Now, because there is a great urgency for resolution to a mode, we manage to remember some dreams. The elements that make up the plot of a dream are those experiences or desires which we have placed in our memory while in a conscious and awakened state. The pieces of the puzzle are contructed by our brains in the form of dreams. Therefore, the answers we seek are in our dreams, albeit some more hidden than others. The key to all of this is to decipher what the dreams are actually telling us, if they are telling us anything at all.

In the case of dreams being hidden,this would explain why some people may have experienced a "deja-vu" event. We don't actually relive an episode over again in the real sense. What happens is that we are awakened to the hidden dreams we've had because the real event is identical ,in some part, to the hidden dream. This occurence therefore points to the possibility of predicting the future. Our brains have formulated an event that has not yet existed in real life, yet all the pieces of our experience have fitted together into a new puzzle that is waiting to be played out. The implication is that an event will happen which will replicate our previous dream sequence. I can only imagine that some people are gifted with premonitions and predictions which originate in their dream sequences. And, what a coincidence it is to have a dream manifest itself in reality within a matter of hours or days.

What do dreams mean? Are dreams simply random thoughts playing around in our unconscious lives?

First of all, allow me to express a firm disbelief in a world which includes randomness of any kind. The world has order, but as humans, we cannot find order because of its complexity. So, we do not have random thoughts. Everything has order and many different varieties of order exists. We could call the complexity of order to be like algorithms of order. Our dreams have order, even if at first they seem to be abstract and incohesive. Given this, let's look at some elements which make up a dream, perhaps this will open a hole into what dreams are telling us.

Dreams have obvious and obscur elements that give hints to their meanings. The first element is image. We dream in pictures or figures. People, places, or things are the usual center of the dream sequence. The second element is plot. Most dreams involve a conflict or episode which plays out in sequence or repitition. The third element is sense. We can hear, feel,see, and smell things in our dreams which can confuse subconsciousness with reality . The fourth element is emotion. Our dreams can evoke emotions of any kind. We may suddenly awake from a dream with tears of happiness or sadness. The fifth element is psychology. A dream may have an effect on us which could alter our reality. Try to recall some past dreams and identify some of the mentioned elements.

The following is a list of dreams that I would imagine to be common among all of us.

1. Falling.
2. Late for an exam.
3. Learning that we have not attended a class for the entire semester and it is finals week.
4. Attempting to pull a trigger on a gun, but never having enough strength to fire the weapon.
6. Walking from room to room in a house and never returning to the the same room.
7. The same house at the same hour of the night.
8. Relatives who have passed on.
9. Losing teeth.
10. Urinating, etc.
11. Calling for people through a screen door while the people cannot even acknowledge your presence.
12. Running away from something.
13. Talking or screaming in your dream and actually doing so.
14. Actually trying to awaken from sleep and panic sets in because you realize that you can not wake up, until you scream out.
15. Surrounded by Angels.
16. Complete sadness enduced by simple monochromatic repetitive shapes.
17. Sexual.
18. Common ordinary plots with familiar or non-familiar characters.
19. Death and trauma.

Dreams are performing a service that has not successfully been achieved in the awakened state. Our dreams are an attempt to resolve dilemas or issues that are dominating our lives. The process of dreaming is bringing together bits and pieces of information that have been experienced throughout our lives in a short term and long term period. That information is then sequenced in relation to whatever is dominating our mood or cognitive dilema. I have actually figured out solutions to mathematical and mechanical problems from dreaming. I have also surmised solutions to family and work related problems. But, how is this done?

There are three perspectives in dreaming: spectator, participant, and real witness. Spectator is just that. We see, feel, and hear (even taste) during the dream. It seems too real at times. But, we only view the dream and not participate in it. As a participant, we are actively engaged in the plot of the dream. We become one or all of the characters and assume all of the rewards and misery of the dream. The real witness to a dream is the eeriest. We can be both the spectator and participant in the dream along with "knowing" that we are having that dream and, as a result, we can control the dream to some extent. This type of perspective is very strange in that we are in both states of consciousness and un-consciousness. Almost like "limbo". It is like day dreaming or can we say night dreaming?

In order to understand what a dream is telling us, we must first decide if we are in control or being controlled by the dream. Is something bad happening to us as we dream or are we the powerful character in the plot and everything is fine and dandy? If we are involved in a bad dream or a nightmare, the dream is probably relfecting conflicts in our lives. Eventually, the dreams will subside or become pleasant dreams, which will now reflect calmness in our lives. Or , the dreams may be alerting us to potential conflicts , which our awaken lives have not picked up on. Which ever the case may be, these dreams are telling us to re-examine our lives for conflicts that may need resolution. We may choose to act upon those dreams in order to make resolutions.

Do dreams foretell a future event?

I don't know , but things do happen that are extremely peculiar. I think that as we sleep or day dream many dream sequences are being constructed in our memory. Those sequences that are pertinent to our current lives are the dreams that are remembered and can be recalled and played out or repeated to a listener. It could be that these dreams are so in tune to our daily activities that, in all actuality, we have a good hunch as to what is going to happen in our near future. I could predict when the ball would be intercepted during a football game. It just felt right. We have a better handle on our own daily events that patterns become imbedded in our mind and we can predict the sequence of that pattern. Dreams are patterns that have manifested themselves with such vividness because to our minds it is only obvious what will happen next. Eventhough, some events may seem far fetched, but they probably are not. Nothing is random, but only complex at times. There are dreams which seem to have no logic or pattern to them.

All dreams have logical patterns, but we may not know it at the time. Time is the key to making sense of what seems to be illogical or pattern-less dreams. One example of this is the Book of Revelations. We might have an inkling of knowledge about this revelation, but time will reveal the true meaning and then it will become logical to us.

Memory contains generations of dream sequences ,which have been handed down since the beginnings of humans. We have the dreams of those who lived before us. When we dream of places or people we have never met or dream of doing things we've never known before with perfection, I can only guess that we are dreaming what has been given to us to dream. Some people confuse this with having a previous life. God has made it clear that we have one life on earth.

God has created thought that allows man the ability to speak with Him. We , for the most part, do not see visions nor hear voices, but we do dream. Earlier, I mentioned that the brain can only process information that exists in the brain. This sounds rather obvious. So how do we explain Revelations? Nothing in Revelations contains anything that is foreign to this earth. I mean, the symbols that are used are all common things that are recognizable to the common man. But, the meaning of Revelations is not fully understood by all men, at least not yet. And, man will have differing understanding of Revelations. So, the meaning of the dream is very subjective, unless God reveals its meaning.

Does dreaming provide an entrance to another life?

No. Not an entrance. But, if we become schizophrenic then reality has changed and become a warped life for the victim and possibly for the care takers. Schizophrenia is a condition that throws off the connection between reality and fantasy. I believe that this condition triggers the dream process to overwork and this is what causes the dreamer to lose touch with reality. Yet, there is meaning to a schizophrenic's madness. The brain is trying to correct what is wrong.

Sorry if I've bored you......sweet dreams.

Rod A. Rodriguez..



-- rod (, October 30, 2003


I can see Rod that your dreams are different than mine: 12, 13, and 17 is where they agree with yours.

I am usually rumnning away from animals. Remember the one I told youd this year I was trying to run away from a panther? It came true. He was one of 2 inspectirs from the city of lOs Angeles. (August) Then In july I dreamed 5 running dogs which became like doberman dogs, then wild boars attacking me. These were my problems in the places I live. It came true also.

When a rat, or any other animal attacks me, I usually scream if I can't get rid of it.

Sexual dreams are so common.

The interesting ones is where I hear a voice.

I realize 70-90% of our dreams are created by our anxieties. T

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, October 31, 2003.

I don't remember if I ever asked you this, Elpidio. Have you ever dreamed Scriptures? Or, have you ever dreamed yourself reciting Scriptures that aren't in the Bible, yet they sound very genuine?

I used to dream Scriptures. I would have a vidid image of the pages and text. Again, only the pages were visible with the background pitch black. I haven't those type of dreams for a long time now, a good thing I might add.



-- rod (, November 03, 2003.

I don't mean to be rude.

Has anyone experienced Scripture reading in their dreams?




-- rod (, November 03, 2003.

Hi, Rod Only when God talked to me I had a Bible in my hand. I was tod to preach to Protestants. July 23, 2003.

My mother dreamed my daughter and my youngest son, Isaiah, preaching. My daughter had the Bible.

My wife often sees herself talking to jesus as if wshe was living in those days. He tells her stories.

In her dreams she also sees hersef with a Bible.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, November 05, 2003.

Hi Elpidio.

The only dream that I've ever had that dealt with the presence of God was when I dreamt being surrounded by Angels. I was floating upwardly into a circle of Angels forming multiple rings among rings in an outwardly spreading symmetry. The background, again, was dark, but the Angels were visible. They wore one-piece garments of white and had wings. I suppose that my dream was placed there by my own understandings of Angels. We can all notice the cliche of Heaven and Angels, I guess.


-- rod (, November 08, 2003.

Rod, The circle is considered in geometry the most perfect figure. All distances are equal from the center.

Also, the circle has become the cornerstone of inventions: the wheel, the clock, the tire, the steering wheel, the coin,...

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, November 12, 2003.

Amazing. It never occurred to me that my dream focused on the circle of Angels. The Angels could have been scattered in a "random" pattern, but they weren't. It was a circle. Why would I dream a circle? I wonder if the circle is a universal form/shape. Everything in nature has some sort of circle pattern. It would seem logical to have circles, then, in my dream if for no other reason than that ths circle is universal. It is still rather amazing.



-- rod (, November 12, 2003.

Rod, maybe you have been shown the path to perfection.

You are no to far away from it.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, November 12, 2003.

Say what you will. I don't know what it means.

Nov. 18, 2003

Hi Elpidio.

I don't keep up with the Pope's doings, but I had a dream.


The setting is what seems like a college town--nice park-like atmosphere, important buildings, people walking around. I am jogging(?) in my shorts with a police scanner strapped to my waist. I notice some streets roped off and I keep sensing that I'm also attending a Bible study in a seperate room at the same time that I'm jogging outside in the town streets.

I see a jet fly over head. It lands inside the town on the lawn. The cockpit does this circular contortion in order to make it easier for the Pope and his entourage to exit. They carry the Pope to the sidewalk from exiting the jet. The Pope collapses and people scramble around him. The streets are not heavily populated by spectators. I keep flashing back to that bible study session. I flip my scanner on and start hunting for the correct frequency; I find it. I listen to the converstations of the police and entourage helping the Pope sit up from the sidewalk. A priest (not a cardinal or bishop, I sense) in his traditional vestments--white with gold decoration fabrice--leans over the Pope and begins to grab him from the neck in order to euthanize (kill) the Pope. Everybody talks him out of killing the Pope. I have people near me listening to the entire conversation and viewing the scene simultaneously. The dream ends.

-- rod (, November 18, 2003.

I saw your e-mail, Rod, too. I left you a longer answer there.

It is very possible that the Pope may die before the year is over.

In my dream in april he was waving goodbye. In yours, it has landed. It seems the Church(Cardinal) wants him dead now, since the Pope can no longer performed as he used to. They want a younger, healthier one to take his place.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, November 18, 2003.

Rod, this was the dream as I told in the Catholic Forum. You can see what Eugene and John had to say about it. Part of it was my fault. You see, I was never given the exact day and hour. Only the number of trips.

This morning around 6:10 . It was the third of 3 dreams I had. One was about my mother. The other about President Bush.This one I don't remember quite clearly. I saw the Pope getting in his private airplane waving goodbye. He was dressed in white like always. I heard a voice saying : The Pope is only making 2 more trips....( plus something else I don't want to say publicly).

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, April 22, 2003

Answers Jmj Elpidio, in my opinion, it is long past time for you to leave the forum. That is one sick message, I must say.

I think that you must have been deprived of attention as a child, and you still haven't gotten over it. Even though you are not a Catholic (having fallen away), you think that you have to keep coming here and trying to attract people's attention to you with your sensationalistic stories -- which are either fraudulent, hallucinations, or given to you by the nether world. Now you are predicting the impending death of the pope after "two more trips." You simply make me sick.


-- J. F. Gecik (, April 22, 2003.

Actually John G, I had dreams about the Pope in the past: 1991, 2000,2001,2002 (twice), and now in 2003. The Pope was one of the person in the Church I most admired since 1979 after Mother Theresa of calcuta. I am not the only one, John. Do you think the Pope that wrote the prayer to the archangel Michael you just said in a previous post was sick for having a revelation about the future of his Church? Do you think sister Lucia was sick for having these visions in Fatima in 1917? Do you think saint Francis of Assisssi and Anthony of Padua were sick for having revelations about Jesus?

Wake up John G. ! The Bible is revelation! Not someone's philosophical treatise!

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, April 22, 2003.

I understand your confusion, Eugene. I myself got confused, too. I misinterpreted my dream. I only mentioned part of the dream.

Here is the full dream, without omissions. When I see the pope climbing the steps that lead into the airplane, I see see him turn towards the people and say goodbye. Then he gets into the airplane. Between the time he says goodbye and gets into the airplane I hear(in English): " and the Pope will make two more trips. (then in Spanish)" de cuatro." I hear people saying, el Papa va a ir a Mexico. Then I ask, (in Spanish): ¿Qué pasó con Ur? The plane with the Pope seems to go Mexico. I try to follow him to Mexico , then I lose him. After I lose him, that is when the dream about President Bush starts.

I had understood 2 more trips ( of 4)to refer to Spain and Croatia. He had already plans for Bosnia and Mongolia. ( he had one for the Phillippines last year which was cancelled).

I was praying for him when he went into Croatia and Bosnia. I even lighted a candle. Several people were arrested accused of threatening the Pope.

If instead 2 more trips of 4 is understod, then the Pope may live past October, since no trips are planned after the one in Mongolia right now.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, June 25, 2003.

Jmj Time to give up, Elpidio. You never really fooled anyone -- except perhaps yourself. You are either totally deluded or a huge phony. But you have been exposed. The pope has not died as you predicted. Revelatory dreams? HAH!!! Your too-spicy foods acting up on you, in truth.

Have you no self-respect at all? Coming back here, hemming and hawing and trying to fool people into believing your new line of bull (about 2 or 4 trips or some other undecipherable concoction that you tried to spell out). It's hilarious! In the distant past, I called you a Jehovah's Witless because of your Arianism. Now we see just how big a JW you really are! Beginning with their 19th-century founder, the JWs have been predicting (and then repeatedly "adjusting" their faulty predictions) of the end of the world, for more than 100 years. Now you try to pull the same stunt with respect to the pope's death. You expose yourself as the basest of all characters to post at this forum, in my opinion.

God bless you anyway -- and may he help you out of the satanic swamp, so that you can become Catholic again. John

-- J. F. Gecik (, June 25, 2003.

Elpidio Gonzalez The pope is still alive!

-- Mike H. (, September 29, 2003.

Not for long, Mike. 2 trips more of 4 as the dream goes=6. Trips since April 2003: 1) Spain, 2)croatia, 3)slovenia, 4)Bosnia, 5? Mongolia (cancelled), 6) Slovakia (5 if Mongolia doesn't count). In my dream he was trying to go to Mexico. That's when I lost track of him in my dream. Only date I can think of is December 12, 2003, the celebration of La Virgen de Guadalupe.

The Pope may probably not see 2004. In a dream in July 2003 I heard the words: "Habemus Papa." This means a new Pope. Most likely Angelo Sodano.

My mother's dream is already half fulfilled. It is her second time close to death.

The President is already going trhrough bad times (Third dream).

These three dreams were somehow connected.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, October 03, 2003.

Sorry, Mike. I made the wrong count of trips 1) Spain, 2) Croatia, 3) Bosnia, 4) Mongolia? Cancelled 5(or 4) Slovakia, 6( or 5) Pompei on October 7, and 6(or that's it) Poland ? or Mexico? before 2004.

I my dream he was trying to go to Mexico.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, October 03, 2003. Hi Elpidio. Any flames?




-- rod (, October 03, 2003.

Please Elpidio: How can you ''express the Church's awareness'' of anything? You abandoned the Church. You can make sixty trips to anyplace; but nothing you say or do can express the Holy Catholic Church. As for your dream: the world wasn't waiting for that dream. It means little or nothing. It's your self-absorption, a delusion.

-- eugene c. chavez (, October 03, 2003.

Amen, Gene. The poor dreamer was totally discredited and (appropriately) left the forum. I just wish that Mike H hadn't tempted him to come back.

Elpo's second blunder is in the opening post of this thread, and there's no trick he can use to undo it. He wrote (in April): "The Pope is only making 2 more trips." [The pope has made several trips since then.] Elpo's first blunder was in another thread, where he predicted that the pope would die before the end of June, 2003. Let us pray for Elpo's reversion to Catholicism, returning from Arianism.

God bless you. John

-- J. F. Gecik (, October 04, 2003.

Maybe the time has come for the Pope to depart this life, Rod. May God have mercy on his Spirit.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, November 18, 2003.

This is probably nothing:

President Bush assasination attempt. One uniformed officer shot. The police officer is black, mayber African-American. Hotel and movie theatre involved, big iron gate and fence, many security men, one dominant gunman, not sure whose side this gunman is on.

Sorry, this dream really bugs me and I felt I had to post it.


-- rod (, January 28, 2004.

The dream probably is about a political assasination attempt instead of a physical one. All of the symbols are there. The Iraq problem seems obvious in the dream.


-- rod (, January 28, 2004.

Ok, I have answers now. My dream wasn't about the President. It was about my own character assasination. I received a nasty letter from a "higher up" in my mailbox this morning at work. It is a daring job to do when one does the right thing. My wings are damaged, but I can still fly. I dislike dealing with these peculiar people!


-- rod (, January 28, 2004.

Hey, Rod,

Maybe is maybe is not.

If you don't want to post your full dream or interpretation in the forum, you can send me an e-mail.

Your brother in Christ

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, January 28, 2004.


Remember this thread.


-- rod (, March 08, 2005.

Yes, Rod. I also remember the e-mails on Bush and the Pope where you and I match.

In you dream and mine, Bush gets shot.But Bush will still live within your mind.

In my dream he gets shot. Yet, no one knows who did it. Everyone blames others for it.

In your dream the plane of the Pope lands. No one wants to save the life of the Pope. they let him die. You try to help, but they don't listen.

In mine, he waves goodbye in one. The voice says he is making 2 more than 4=6 trips. He hasn't made more than 6. France was #6. He will never make another one ever, except the afterworld, like Prince use to say in his song Let's get crazy!!! from the Alnbum Purple rain.

In the other, he is in ferris wheel. Too many emotions kill him. he dies with a smile in his lips.

Anything else new, Rod , that you want to tell me?

The Christian Yahwist

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, March 08, 2005.

Nothing else except the usual anxiety dreams.


-- rod (, March 08, 2005.

More of the same type, or different, Rod?

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, March 08, 2005.

I dreamt of a relative dying. He did. I didn't know that he was that ill. I didn't know it was him in my dream.

I dreamt that my wife was gonna leave me. I pleaded and begged. She wouldn't give in. I was grief stricken about never seeing my kids again. I awoke and told her about my nightmare. Things are fine.

I dreamnt that my administrator was in tears and I was the only one who could bring her comfort. I reality. I don't exactly have confidence in the whole system. You know public schools.

I won't go into those x-rated dreams. We'll boost the ratings for this forum and Zarove will have a heck of a time with his new administrative duties.

That's about it of what I can remember. I don't keep a log of my dreams. I did prior the the Iraqi engagement. My sister dreamt of a military unit and a tilted "4". I think the 4th Infantry was the first to go, I'm not sure.


-- rod (, March 08, 2005.

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