Dragonball Z DVD set

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I would like to know if anyone knew where I could find the entire dragonball Z series (possible in japanese subbed in english) in a DVD collection set. I never saw any but I know it's possible to buy some parts of some sagas in some collections set. BUt Im searching for THA collection set wit all of em.

Thanks for replying

-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003


If you wait long enough, they might come out with the entire series in a bundle that has nine episodes per dvd. Then you'll be able to get it for less than half the price, and in both jap and english voicings. I'd say the price would be about less then 200 dollars if that happens. Way better than spending over a grand if you buy it at suncoast or something like that. But I'm not sure if they are gonna make that any time soon.

-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003

You can search them in http://www.sundevildvd.com and for further you can search them in shopping mall of Yahoo.com

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2003

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