what are somw of his poems about?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

what is "A Valentine", "Alone" and "Lenore" about by edgar alan poe?

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2003




-- Anonymous, October 17, 2003

Three very different poems, so I take it this is some sort of hodge podge report. The first too are fairly simple. "A Valentine" is an affectionate riddle addressed to the solution herself "Frances Sargent Osgood" full of teasing and clues. The solution is found by taking the first letter of the first line, the second of the second, etc and spelling out her name. The one allusion that is difficult was better known in Poe's time, the reference to Pinto, a baron Muchausen teller of talle tales whose name became by a Spanish pun also synonymous with telling the truth, a light double entendre worthy of the tease.

"Alone" is a much earlier poem refelcting back to his earliest poertic awakening of his personal Muse in childhood. He sets up his recollection in a descritption of his special and solitary nature in childhood then the moment of revelation simply experienced in a panaoramic sweep of a tremendous natural tableau to a solitary cloud, whose form was a striking, solitary, out of place, singular and disturbing force that must have resonated with his own nature. Without lengthy explanation or philosophy he captures in the feeling itself- and the ingenious structur-, the power of past.

"Lenore" is the summation of a lot of reworking, interest in other poems, and desire to communicate something that numerous reworkings never satisfied. From "Lady Geraldine's Courtship" by Barrett, "The Raven", other uses of Lenore experiemtns in meter and sound seem to make this a by product. However Poe himself shows the focus that drove him and the poem in his own "Marginalia"(#103). Namely, that rather than a mournful elegy, notes of triumph should be sounded, especially when the spriti if free and above the hypocrisy of those who weakly bemoan her fate too late and do injustice to the triumph of the good in memories now eternalized. This is a feeling decidedly dashed in "The Raven" by the narrator conversing with the Raven concerning his hopes and doubts. Doubts win. (Again, a contemoporary fictional chartacter Guy De Vere(Truth) is alluded to briefly in a fashion not necessary to study too deeply).

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

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