Central of Georgia Caboose Information

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread


I must commend the Central of Georgia Historical Society for an outstanding job on covering the subject of the Central of Georgia caboose in the JULY-SEPTEMBER 2003, VOL. 7, NUMBER 3 issue of "The Right Way"- The Official Publication of the Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society. Allen Tuten wrote an excellent article covering the history of this caboose and the various painting and lettering variations that these cabs carried through the years.

I HIGHLY recommend this issue. If you are not a member of the CG Historical Society and would like to get a copy contact Allen Tuten, Editor of the "The Right Way" by email allen@cofg.org for details on how to order. As a member of the CG Historical Society myself I also want to recommend those who are interested in the Central of Georgia to inquire for membership information as well. It is well worth the money! I am very pleased with my membership and also in the very interesting articles appearing in "The Right Way".

Gary Wright

-- Gary Wright (WrightTRAK@hemc.net), October 16, 2003



As Gary mentioned in his initial question, Vol. 7, No. 3 (July-Sept 2003) of THE RIGHT WAY (published quarterly by the Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society) contains an article which covers stenciling and lettering styles on CofGa cabooses. The article includes photographs of CofGa cabooses in all of the different paint and lettering schemes that were used beginning around 1930. It also includes reproductions of several CofGa caboose stenciling diagrams and lettering "samples."

That issue (V.7, No. 3) is available at our online store at www.cofg.org.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (Allen@cofg.org), January 25, 2004.

We have been on line trying to find historically correct pictures of Central of Georgia cabooses. We would like to find all of the information we can on this. Can you please write me back and help us with this? Thank You, Bob & Susan Smith

-- Susan Smith (dreamer1dreamer@aol.com), January 25, 2004.

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