FREE VCD Burning Software PLEASE? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Please, I know a few things about burning VCD's:have to have MPEG files...or MPEG-2 files. But the VCD burning software that allows your DVD player (that reads VCDs) to view it isn't free...
can someone please give me a free source for VCD makers? Or does Nero work fine?
-- Lalanthier (, October 13, 2003
Nero works fine especially when you have an APEX DVD player.
-- Harry (, October 15, 2003.
CDRDAO is free, but whether it works with your burner or you are able to figure out how to use it are questions you will have to resolve.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), October 20, 2003.
like u, i am too trying to find small sized vcd burning software. can someone help me?
-- viru (, June 25, 2004.
nero work fine
-- riyasbasha (, August 19, 2004.