How many Bishops' will be elected in 2004 at the present time? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

How many Bishops' will be elected at the present time for the election at the General Conference 2004? Will there be 7 Bishops for Episcopal Service or 9 Bishops?

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003


The buzz around the campfire is that are 7 slots open.....assuming that new districts are not created.

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

The AJC proposes the creation of 2 additional districts in Africa. Too many countries streching over vast geographical areas that are grouped in one district currently makes the work of bishops very difficuly. So we are proposing that we elect 8 bishops and do away with the Ecumenical Office. We can still discuss which General Officer can take over ecumenical relations & chaplaincy. Furthermore, we propose that 4 bishops be elected from the Africa- based candidates and 4 bishops be elected from the US-based candidates. From the many Africans running for the Episcopacy I believe that the Rev. Andrew B Lewin (Presiding Elder and Administrative Assistant of Bishop Gregory Ingram in the 15th Episcopal District) and the Rev. Dr. Wilfred Messiah (President of the R R Wright Theological Seminary in the 19th Episcopal District) are two potential candidates who can be assigned anywhere in the Connection.

-- Anonymous, October 14, 2003

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