what did John say?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

If John didn't write it down, and I can understand why he wouldn't. Peter himself was amazed at what some did with his writing, He said, They tell the people that they know my thoughts better then I do, If they do this while I am yet alive, what will they not do when I am gone? John would have been very careful not to put some of the greatest truths he had to share with the members in writing. Since Apostles were alive at the time, they could effectively keep such wolves out of the flock, but Paul talkes about wolves already entering the flock. These brethren were fighting a struggle to keep the wolves from the flock and even said that they would enter the flock not sparing the sheep. In our day Apostles protect the flock from those who would destroy the flock. It is a strong flock, because each member can have a testimony from God of the truth of it. Not by tradition, not by family tradition, not by "history" so lovingly referred to here in these emails. John may not have written things down, I give you that. Therefore let's not make things up. That goes for anyone trying to take authority he does not have.

-- Frank Godfrey (fgodfrey@wans.net), October 08, 2003


From where I sit, you could probably count yourself in that pack of wolves. Your problems with the church seem to be minor technicalities; take a deep breath and ask yourself what it is that Jesus desires from you. Are you sure Jesus would be acting as you are acting. Stop criticising a church and start following Jesus. If you don't find Jesus in our church, then go where you will find him and "Peace be with you."

I've read your statement above several times and it rambles, but it never makes a point. What are you trying to say . . . simply? Don't try to be so profound, just make your point so I can understand you.

-- Leon (vol@weblink2000.net), October 08, 2003.

It is obvious that People who post messeages like these don't have any intention to accept the truth even if they are covered with the proof that they need. Perhaps all they want is to bombard the forum with things that they teach to their disciples, by promoting misconceptions about catholics. Perhaps this is an organized attack, where they research on how to say the catholic church is false and evil, when they ignore any information that say they are completely wrong. Perhaps I am overstating things but unless these people choose to respond to the answers given, their intentions are to be questioned. Even the book of mor(m)on came into discussion. What more could happen? These people won't stop preaching nonsense to the people who blindly believe them, no matter how many good people here give them the right answers. Perhaps someone else is teaching them to say this and that and then leave. I don't know whether to cry or laugh at the tricks of the devil.

-- Abraham T (lijothengil@yahoo.com), October 11, 2003.

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