Converting DAT to MPEG : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

what is the software that i can use to convert DAT files to MPEG files and where can i find it.

-- Tinush Perera (, October 08, 2003


VCDgear. Do a web search. I don't know where to get it.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), October 09, 2003.

U can use Intervideo Winproducer 3 for converting DAT to MPEG

-- Abhishek Sharma (, March 19, 2004.

Where do I download that Intervideo Winproducer 3 File?? Can someone help me?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- CSC (, May 18, 2004.

download InterVideo Winproducer at

-- Rahul (, December 26, 2004.

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