db eps

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey im looking for english db ep 61, if anybody has it or knows where to find it could you contact me. (would really appretiate if some one who had it could send it to me directly through an attachment or even better through an IM. i'm on yahoo a lot with the same screename as in the email address. ep 61+ if you have them.) thanks.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003


go to:


-- Anonymous, September 30, 2003

WOW! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! Finally, a DBZ site that works! YOU ROCK!

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2003

hey thanks a lot, you have no idea how many dif sites and how long ive been lookin for workin eps. they got em all! can't thank u enough.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

Thanx alot for that site!!! i also get my other episodes from http://www.haunted-dbz.net

-- Anonymous, October 14, 2003

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