Where do you stay at burning man? Tickets for 2004?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
I am interested in going to the next burnign man. When you go do you bring a tent, food or what? Where do you stay? Can you bring coolers in? When do tickets for 2004 go on sale and where can I purchase them?
-- Jay (Jay8402@aol.com), September 25, 2003
just check out the burning man web site, all the info you possibly need is there......
-- Babs (babsvogler@hotmail.com), March 06, 2004.
All of the above. If you are to fly into reno nv and rent a car you would need to bring some sort of shelter big small? lots of water ,food, coolers yes, email me with more specific questions please.
-- connell (jcm2677@aol.com), January 18, 2004.