Where can I download Anime "Initial D" 2nd stage for Japanese?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I kept looking on Kazaa but they don't have all.... (on japanese) so if you know any sites that can download with Bit torrent plz tell me thanks. (or any other sites)

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003


If you have it plz send it me. My MSN user name is Masa2057@hotmail.com

IF you are going to tell me to trade I will gladly do that too.

Here are the things I can trade with you.... 1.Dragon ball GT 1~62 (63~ lost it....) 2.Rurouni Kenshin 1~95 (Japanese subtitle Chinese) 3.Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen Japanese subtitle English) 4.Love Hina 1~26 (Japanese subtitle English) 5.Love Hina Christmas Special and Spring Special (Same) 6.Love Hina Again 1~3 (Same) 7.Great Teacher Onizuka 1~43 (Japanese subtitle English) 8.Slam Dunk 1~101 (Japanese subtitle English and chinese) (but some of don't have ENglish) 9.Lupin the 3rd First Contact (Japanese subtitle English)

These are most of thing I can trade with you. The episodes what I want are.... 1.Initial D 2nd stage 1,3,4,6~10,13~? 2.Initial D 1st stage 2,16, 20,and 22.

these are episodes what I want. Once again I will gradly to trade with you. If you have these episodes and want to trade with me plz talk to me by MSN or AIM. thanks.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

You are a very very ugly man!

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003

Hey dude, i have those episodes of intial d that you're looking for, however, i wouldnt know how to possibly get them to you. Well anyway, if you're interested mail me. By the way, where are you from?

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003


If you find out where to get them plz let me know.

BTW - this is a good site: http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/romeria/animesites.htm


-- Anonymous, October 04, 2003

Hey, I know that some of you have already mailed me about intial d,and i'm definately willing to trade for maybe,(if anyone has this) A divx copy of Gundam Wing. I've been replying to all your mails, however webmail is up to shit after having revamped their site for the so called "better". So please bear with me if u dont receive any replies, it isn't any fault of mine.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2003

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