How can I make Interactive Menus on VCDs like DVDs ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


How can I make Interactive Menus on VCDs like DVDs ? I mean the kind that lets me choose a particular chapter by pointing to the link with a DVD remote control [or via mouse on DVD playing software]?

I tried with NERO but the menu is NOT interactive .. just flat thumbnails!

-- Mr M (, September 21, 2003


This is easy. I did it once in Easy CD Creator.

Its easy because VCD's don't actually have clickable menus. You select a keypad number to play the videos. Anyway here is what I did.

I wanted a backgroiund image that should all the selectable clips. With each of those clips animating a short loop. So instead of having a still graphic as the background image, I instead had an mpeg video as the background.

I imported a still image into my fav video editor(Adobe Premiere) I then imported copies of my mpegs that were actually AVI's(Premiere hates mpegs) BAsically I placed the still image on the time line for a length of 1 minute. I then added video tracks. 1 for each mpeg I wanted displayed in the menu. I resized tose videos to be about like button size. I arranged them in a nice fashion placed a number under each image so I would know what key number to press for that clip. I added a music track and then I exported the project as a VCD compliant mpeg-1. Easy CD allowed me to use it as a menu. Done. Thats all there is to it.

Pete Janak

-- Pete Janak (, December 02, 2003.

Seems I missed the main point. You cannot have "Interactive" menus in VCD. My explaination above results in looping thumbnails and thats as close as you will get.

Pete Janak

-- Pete Janak (, December 02, 2003.

Hi !! I hope you still can make interactive menu on VCD. As youi said youi tried it using Nero. All you need to do is that go to compilatin info, which is in the file menu, then on one tab (probabily ISO) there is a check point named CD-i (CD interactive). you need to check it to make your menu interactive. I hope you missed it while burning.

-- Subhash kamboj (, February 08, 2005.

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