VCD on IMAC Computers? Is it possible? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I was wondering if I could do something, like download a program, to play VCDs. We get a bunch a them from friends in China, and I have NO idea why they will not work on my MAC. Any suggestions or ideas? I would appreciate your help and any information you can pass along.Melissa
-- melissa corbett (, September 18, 2003 might have some info on playing VCDs on a Mac. It certainly is possible, but I have no idea what you will need to do it.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), September 19, 2003.
I play vcd's on my iMac, but I think they play in Quicktime 6. My iMac is very low end, an original tray loading bondi 233. I run OS 8.6. People say MacVCD is very good, altho I have not tried it, and I think a new version of MacVCD came out for X.
-- Mary S (, September 19, 2003.