I brought a vcd. It runs on a standalone vcd player but it does not runs on pc's. The problem is that when the cd drive is explored it does not shows any file but the space is still occupied. How can i play the vcd on the pc

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

The vcd does not shows any files but it has been writed it runs smoothly on a standalone vcd player. but it does not runs on the pc.how do i run it on my pc?

-- Chitresh Kakawani (hiiamchitresh@hotmail.com), September 18, 2003


I've never heard of this problem before. Try putting the VCD in another PC and see if you have the same problem. I guess it's possible that some kind of copy protection is being used on the VCD that makes it impossible for PCs to see it but VCD players will still play it. If that's what happened, you won't be able to play it on your PC. I have read about some forms of copy protection for audio CDs that won't allow you to play the CD on a PC, but I've never heard of that being done for VCDs.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), September 18, 2003.

install power dvd on ur pc in setting choose auto play should be ok from there :-)

-- eagles131 (eagles131@hotmail.com), November 16, 2003.

yes its true, vcd's are now comming with copy write software which prevents them from running on pc. i have noticed that the cd does not get browsed on winxp but on winme it shows two files in cda format. tracko and track1, track0 possibly stores the files format and track1 contains data i havent got a software to play these files. if any one has an solution it would be highly welcomed

-- ashish (krazguy_in@yahoo.com), October 04, 2004.

It is normal for VCDs to have two tracks. Just put any normal VCD into the computer, start up Nero, and click DISC INFO.

If you do have a CDRW drive and Nero, put the VCD in the drive and click DISC INFO. See if there is more than one session written. Look at the sizes of each session / track.

It's possible to create the problem described by Chitresh as follows. 1) burn the VCD as normal 2) using Nero, choose write data (don't append), add no file, and burn. This creates a second empty session.

Most computers will later only see the second empty session (the files in the first session are not visible because you didn't select append). Some VCD players will only see the first session.

If you're using Win98, it's easy to see the previous sessions. Just right click on the CDRW drive in Windows Explorer, click Properties, then click Volumes. The sessions are listed with the date and time they were burnt. Select the session you want.

Unfortunately, this is no longer available in WinXP. IINM, Nero's website has some free utilities to do the same thing. You could also use Isobuster (shareware).

-- Daniel Khoo (gsf_oohk@fzz.no-ip.info), October 04, 2004.

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