ice axe : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
has anyone heard of an old ice axe called 'akadem pickee fralling fulpme' ? it has a wooden handle. Can anyone say where it is made and how old it is etc
-- glenn haszard (, September 10, 2003
Hi,I found your question. Did you get any info about that? If you did not please let me know. I am a Japanese collector of the ice axe. That was made by the manufacuturer named Felix Ralling ( I think it is the name of the establish man) in Fulpmes of Austria. Akadem is one of the well known model name of the companywith the histry from before WW2. I do not know when did it made because so long seller model it was. If you can send a photo, I can wite more about that. best Rgds.
-- Hiroki Aoyagi (, February 06, 2004.
Hi,I found your question. Did you get any info about that? If you did not please let me know. I am a Japanese collector of the ice axe. That was made by the manufacuturer named Felix Ralling ( I think it is the name of the establish man) in Fulpmes of Austria. Akadem is one of the well known model name of the companywith the histry from before WW2. I do not know when did it made because so long seller model it was. If you can send a photo, I can wite more about that. best Rgds. PS) I do not know this website. Please let me know.
-- Hiroki Aoyagi (, February 06, 2004.