How to play SVCD in computer? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Can anyone tell me how to play SVCD in computer and what kind of software do I need or where to download? Thanks a lot in advance.David
-- (, September 04, 2003
You will need something that contains a MPEG-2 codec. Any software DVD player should do. The most popular ones are PowerDVD and WinDVD. I am not aware of any free software that will play MPEG-2 files of any type, SVCD or DVD, because of licensing issues for the MPEG-2 codec.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), September 05, 2003.
Check the bottom of this thread:
-- sublime (, September 08, 2003.
idont know yet but like u i want to know how and where can i download svcd so if you know please tell me thanks
-- waelezzat (, September 09, 2003.
Hi Gang:* I just tried using InterVideo WinDVD 4 and it plays SVCD just fine.
You'll need to bring it up, it won't play automatically so put the SVCD in the DVD drive, then right click with your mouse to:
Source, Open File,
then type out the letter of your drive and colon ":" and [Enter] left Click your mouse on the folder MPEGAV
There is one file there, AVSEQ01.DAT Click on that, the SVCD movie will start. For full screen, hit [Esc]
* Hey ! Save me some popcorn too ya know ! :)
Sincerely, =David W= (Home of Freeware Scenario RPGMaker!)
-- David W (, September 12, 2003.