DCR VX2000 Chroma Keygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
On page 124 of the DCR VX2000 manual is a statement to the effect that a moving image can be superimposed on a still image (please note that I said a moving image superimposed on a still image, NOT vice versa). Repeated following of the instructions on page 125 fails to produce the effect of the moving image being recorded on a selected still image from the Memory Stick. Has anyone been able to chroma key a blue screened moving image superimposed on a still image from the Memory Stick? Again, I am talking moving on still, not vice versa,Please reply to my above email address. Thank you.
-- Elmer E. du Pont (FilmXana1@wmconnect.com), September 03, 2003