endings and openings

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hey can anyone tell me the 3 openings and endings of Hajime No Ippo? I've found a cool song and it says its called "Eternal Loop" but i've never heard it on hajime no ippo. And now i cant find the site anymore. And let me know where i can get eternal loop (blue) and eternal loop (red), mine is (clear) idk why they name it like that but i wanna hear it. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003


What..are you talking about? What blue and what red eternal loop? Someone posted a URL to a site with all the OP/ED mp3s in a Hajime no Ippo thread earlier, so go here: http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-one-category.tcl? topic=Animes&category=Animes and look for it. The Openings are 1. Under Star (Shocking Lemon), 2. Inner Light (Shocking Lemon) and 3. Tumbling Dice Endings are 1. Yuuzora no Kamihikouki, 2. 360 degrees (Mori Naoya) and 3. Eternal Loop (Saber Tiger). The reason you may not have heard the 3rd one is because you either have not watched far enough into the series or you always skip the ending in order to get to the good stuff. Can't say I blame you :-p

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

ohh thanks. there is a red and blue cuz i looked at the album photo but i cant find the songs thats it. lol.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

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