Are Brutale's in US dealerships yet..?? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Some say yes, some say no..Cagiva says yes, dealers say NO. WHO is telling the real story..?


-- J (, September 02, 2003


I SAW '04 VIN#2 on the floor at Ferracci last weekend. It is available. I bought '04 VIN#10 in NC two weeks ago.

-- David Moore (, September 02, 2003.

Seems like they are in on the West Coast. Saw one at Munroe Motors in SF, and Moto Corsa in Portland

-- Scott K (, September 02, 2003.

There's one at Corse Superbikes in Saukville, WI. Oh...and what Harley thing?

-- john (, September 03, 2003.

Are they really 04's. Meaning produced after March of this year..? Thank you for your anwsers guys.


-- J. (, September 03, 2003.

There has been one on the floor in Dallas for a few weeks now. Arrived along with 2 EVOIII's.

-- James (, September 03, 2003.

They are really '04s.

-- David Moore (, September 04, 2003.

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