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MiddleSchoolScience.org and bboard@greenspun.com are still alive.I've updated material on the website, particularly calendars and deadlines for grants and summer institutes to the extent possible at this time. If you are looking for grant opportunities, Toyota Tapestry and Toshiba America have January deadlines, so it's time to start planning.
I will be keeping an instructional weblog this upcoming year and would like to find some other volunteers. The main purpose of the weblog is for the "blogger" to reflect on his or her practices. An additional benefit is that others can learn from your experiences. Ideally you will also get feedback from others who read your logs. You can see an example of a log that I started (but didn't complete) a couple of years ago:
Let me know if you are interested.
Lastly, I've added a few homework ideas to the website. nothing earth-shatteringly original, but the beginning of a list. If you have ideas that have worked well, let me know and i will add them. I'm looking for general homework activities that can be used for a variety of topics (journaling, e.g.):
-- Michael W Gatton (mgatton@vzavenue.net), September 01, 2003