In need of Url for Naruto's 2nd opening : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey there, I was looking though google and saw your link and I was wondering if you had any idea where I can find the url for

Haruka Kanata; Far-off Distance

which is the 2nd opening song for naruto. I'd like to be able to put the song on my journal [] so if you have any idea, I'd really appreciate the help. Thank you and have a great day. :)

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003


"Well... im not sure exactly where you can find a naruto opening, but i have an idea where. Go to, and download it. then search for Naruto. a bunch of stuff will come up. if you are formilliar with kazaa, then imesh will be a breaze. it's just like it, minus all the virus'. I've downloaded stuff like Naruto episode 1- 5,8,9,34, Terminator 3, Yu Yu hakusho episode 1-10,110-112, and 2 yu yu hakusho movies, a crap load of songs, and other cool stuff. i highly will recomend imesh to any1. later

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003

I have the song.. if you have any ideas for me to get it to you...

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003

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