Cedartown's yard and structures?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I would like to know if there exsists a complete drawing of the yard in Cedartown with all of its structures (including roundhosue) and track layout? And also would like to know how many stalls the roundhouse had and when was it torn down. I was born in 1974 so a lot of the tracks and structures were gone by the time I was old enough to remeber anything about the yard. If there is anyone who is an expert on this yard or the Chattanooga and Griffin line that can help me I will be very appreciative.Jamie Prater, Cedartown, Ga.
-- Jamie Prater (sthrn1974@aol.com), August 30, 2003
Jamie,The Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society does have a map of Cedartown yard from around 1929. It shows yard tracks, turntable, roundhouse, etc.
I would refer you to David Payne, who frequents this Q&A Board, as he is the "expert" on that section of the Central of Georgia!
Allen Tuten
-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), August 30, 2003.